THE ASSURE PROGRAM IS AN INITIATIVE OF THE DIAMOND PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (DPA) and all detector devices are checked by UL LABORATORIES IN USA. 33 detectors have been comprehensively tested by ASSURE.
In the ASSURE program Diatrue CS, tested in the group of diamonds larger than 2 mm was tested

  • Set A (>2.00 mm, D-J colour) 249 diamonds
  • Set AB (>2.00 mm, D-J colour) 49 synthetic diamonds, 47 diamond simulants
ASSURE comprehensively analyzes all 3 types of synthetic diamond detectors.
  • TYPE ONE- Detectors that can only detect one stone at a time (mounted or loose)
  • TYPE TWO- Detectors that sort small (under 0.20 ct.) round diamonds into 2 groups – natural and synthetic.
  • TYPE THREE-Detectors that can detect single stones (mounted or loose) AND multiple loose stones and multiple mounted jewelry.

DIATRUE CS is a type three
  • Detect single stones, loose or mounted.
  • Detect a parcel of stones.
  • Detect jewelry pieces that are mounted with numerous stones

2 test tracks in the ASSURE program. One of an expert on behalf of the company who checks the stones and gives his opinion. The second route is that the expert explains to the laboratory employee that he will not have prior knowledge of diamonds and how to use the device. The employee will perform the test independently and provide a report of the results. Due to the restriction of COVID-19, it is not possible for OGI to send an expert on her behalf and she was required to send the device with the instruction booklet to the laboratory for testing.
The complete list of test results – in alphabetical order – can be found in the ASSURE directory:

cvd detector

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